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Do, 25. April 2024

Saigon - Bewertung

am 25. November 2012
I lived 2 years in Vietnam and know about the excitment of Vietnamese dining with all the friendlyness and endeavor of Vietnamese people. Compared to this, the experience when visiting SAIGON restaurant in Vienna is simply a shame. Food is not authentic and careless mixed together, taste is like instant food and the service is far below any minimum standard, certainly not compareable with the Vietnamese attitude to serve guests in outstanding way of politeness and service. Part of the staff seem to be Chinese, my wife is Vietnamese and tried to talk in Vietnamese language with bad results, how embarrassing. All at all I consider this a fake story and certainly does not at all provide the wonderful atmosphere of Vietnamese dining. Enjoy to be fooled.
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1 Kommentar

Sehr richtig, war vor kurzer Zeit dort, nie wieder!!!!!!

25. Nov 2012, 15:21·Gefällt mir
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